
1 - 10 of 17 Results
  1. Share Your View. Shape Our Future. Public Hearing Set for Next Year’s Mecklenburg County Budget

    Mecklenburg County is beginning to shape its Fiscal Year 2025-2026 budget. The first step is a public hearing .

  2. Buying Results, Winning Awards: Community Service Grant Process Recognized Nationally

    Congratulations to staff at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Office of Strategy and Innovation (OSI), who were recently recognized for their Community Service Grant process!  

  3. Distinguished Budget Presentation Award: National Recognition for Mecklenburg County’s 2025 Spending Plan

    Mecklenburg County has been recognized for its Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget. The Office of Management and Budget was awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), which advances excellence in government finance.

  4. Partnerships for Nonprofits: Grant Money Available from Mecklenburg County

    Nonprofits are the beating heart of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, providing services that make our community a better place to live: affordable housing, literacy, health care, career readiness, and much more. That is why Mecklenburg County partners with nonprofits to offer Community Service Grants and other opportunities that can lift our community.

  5. County Manager Recommends $2.5 Billion Operating Budget for FY2025

    Mecklenburg County Manager Dena R. Diorio today presented her recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2025 to the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners.

  6. Resident Budget Survey: What Would Make Mecklenburg County a Better Place? Your Money. Your Community. Your Voice.

    Residents of Mecklenburg County have until the end of February to let us know what they think would make our community a better place. The resident budget survey for Mecklenburg County’s Fiscal Year 2024-2025 spending plan will be open through Feb. 29. It is available at

  7. Building a Budget: Survey Open for Residents to Indicate Priorities: Your Money. Your Community. Your Voice.

    We want to hear what residents think. Mecklenburg County’s resident survey for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget is now open at

  8. Your Money. Your Community. Your Voice. Public Hearing on Next Year’s Mecklenburg County Budget

    The public hearing will be held at the Board of County Commissioners’ regular meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024.

  9. Budget Badge of Honor: 2024 Spending Plan Recognized Nationally

    Mecklenburg County has been recognized for its Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget. The Office of Management and Budget was awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association. In addition, Mecklenburg County received special recognition for the budget process and for strategic goals and strategies.

  10. Opportunities for Nonprofits: Grants Available to Support Mecklenburg County Goals

    Nonprofits provide an array of services and programs that make our community a better place to live, such as affordable housing, literacy, healthcare, early childhood development, career readiness, and much more. That is why Mecklenburg County offers Community Service Grants (CSG) to give nonprofits an opportunity to help support County goals and priorities. Nonprofits can apply for FY2025 Community Service Grants from Oct. 16 to Nov. 13, 2023.