Board Budget Priorities
The Board approves Budget Priorities at the annual budget retreat following an election. These priorities serve as a guide to budget decisions.
Early Childhood Development
Expand services that promote healthy early childhood development and education from ages birth to five.
Educational Attainment
Align allocations to strategies and targets with proven results to improve college and career readiness outcomes for all students.
Environmental Stewardship
Preserve and protect the County's environmental resources.
Health Access
Improve access to physical and behavioral healthcare for County residents of all ages and promote healthy behaviors.
Housing Insecurity
Reduce the number of residents experiencing homelessness and advance stable affordable housing options for all County residents.
Workforce Development
Support initiatives that connect job seekers with employment opportunities.
Racial Disparities
Ensure that investments by the County focus on closing racial and ethnic gaps so that race does not predict one’s success, while also improving outcomes for all. Race will be interwoven into the Board Priorities through policies, practices, and procedures that seek to analyze and eliminate the root causes of racial disparities with the hope that all people in Mecklenburg County will have an equitable opportunity to thrive in the community.